Protecting revenue, relationships, and future growth

Reduce churn and improve renewal rates.

Companies risk recurring revenue leakage, customer churn, and missed opportunities to grow customer lifetime value without a comprehensive renewals management program or customer success strategy in place. Maintaining strong connections with customers and ensuring they retain the value of their initial investment are the keys to ongoing satisfaction and renewals. Concentrix will help you scale your renewal management processes with the right mix of sales motions to efficiently maximize your renewal rate and yield.

Insight-led Approach

Insight-Led Approach

Maximize investment value. Our insight-led approach mitigates your revenue risk with an intimate understanding of your customer base and a limitless ability to scale. It ensures your customers retain the value of their investment in your products and services, delivering:

  • Improved customer loyalty and retention rates
  • Increased revenue across your entire customer base
  • Boosted productivity and efficiency of existing resources
  • Pipeline management to maintain install base overtime

Renewal Experts

We know when your customers are at risk. More importantly, we understand why, and we’ll take precise action to maintain those relationships. Our renewals advisors are equipped with our industry-leading high-performance sales (HPS) methodology and a best-in-class technology suite to manage revenue that may be at risk to churn, which enables:

  • 360° view: A full view of install base, by working together to cleanse and enhance data
  • Actionable intelligence: Optimized service packages based on customer needs
  • Minimized attrition: Improved customer relationships, digital selling, and pipeline management
Renewals Expert
Sales Performance Analysis (SPA)

Sales Performance Analysis (SPA)

Our unique SPA process comprehensively assesses each stage of your customer lifecycle. We consider your business operations, sales teams, finance, and executive management to learn how they engage with your customer base. Through onboarding, adoption, expansion, and renewals, SPAs provide actionable insights that shape go-to-market strategies.

Let's Connect

Let’s Connect

Better Together: Concentrix and Webhelp are now one company — global CX leader, with an expanded breadth of digital capabilities, high-value services, and generative AI solutions.
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