Supporting a Shift to Subscription Services

When Concentrix began working with this industry-leading CRM provider, they were experiencing low customer churn and relatively healthy renewal rates with their higher-tiered customers. Their long-tail customer (or SMB) segment did not share the same success. To maintain their consistent growth and strong pipeline, they needed to improve their forecasting accuracy, on-time renewals/payments, and quoting processes. They also did not have a clear, disciplined escalation path for customers.

Concentrix conducted an audit, revealing that their hands-off approach to renewals – sending out invoices without a dedicated relationship management strategy – was a barrier to ensuring timely payments. This barrier also prevented the client from sourcing critical customer feedback, competitive data, and insights. While the company successfully maintained open lines of communication with larger customers, there were challenges in replicating that model with its smaller customers

Download our Case Study to discover how our process improvements achieved unprecedented on-time renewal rates.

Better Together: Concentrix and Webhelp are now one company — global CX leader, with an expanded breadth of digital capabilities, high-value services, and generative AI solutions.
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