Sparking Customer Success for a Data Visualization Platform
Sparking Customer Success for a Data Visualization Platform

The client is a data visualization platform that helps customers succeed by creating data-driven cultures. The company’s goal is to help employees see and understand data, regardless of company role, and to this end, the company seeks to amplify individual careers through its skill-strengthening software solution.


We set out to create deeper customer engagement. Since the client’s product is a sophisticated platform, first-time users often struggle to know where to start—for many, it’s information overload. To help people ease into using the platform, we needed to design an assessment to provide personalized recommendations—basically, telling customers which online course or group of videos they should start with, based on their needs. 

A digital guide was needed to help customers find the right training content and see value from the product sooner—elevating the platform within their technology ecosystem. And getting them over that initial hurdle has big benefits: people who do any kind of learning and training program are more likely to renew their annual subscriptions.

Knowing the power of this educational content for usage and habit formation, our client’s goal was to drive awareness and traffic to the digital guide and get more customers up to speed quickly.


Catalyst’s Strategy, Design, UX, Product, and Development teams were on the case!

We began by refining the client’s current assessment tool. This tool takes users through questions about their role, goals for the data visualization platform, and how they want to grow their skills. Based on their answers, the assessment makes recommendations for their personal learning journey. These recommendations go beyond e-learning—they also direct people to relevant community resources (e.g. putting marketers in touch with the marketing community).

With the assessment tool honed and ready, our digital marketing experts put together an integrated marketing campaign. We immersed ourselves in the client’s current state, looking for missed opportunities to reach customers looking for training and learning. 

We built a dashboard for the client to see a broader set of metrics in real time, adding to the baseline of key metrics for its marketers to measure. The dashboard also gave team members insight into who was starting and completing the quiz, and how to use this information to optimize the quiz for people who abandoned it midway. This dashboard also highlighted how the client’s traffic was coming in from other internal websites, and even helped with troubleshooting.

Next, we advised the client on optimizations to their paid search strategy, investments in paid media, and missed opportunities within the product itself (like displaying a CTA). By building sales plays and sharing recommendations, we taught the client’s sales team how to use the assessment tool to inform sales. We even demonstrated how to write effective copy so that the client’s in-house creative team could start immediately.

Along the way, we adapted as we received new data from the dashboard or new issues were brought to us. Every two weeks, we met with the client for sprint planning; at these meetings, we also shared marketing strategy recommendations, like using social selling techniques. 

We kept our working relationship flexible, which meant we weren’t stuck in a scope that we designed before fully understanding the landscape. This allowed us to work faster, providing detailed materials that the client’s marketing team could run with in the market right away.


Ultimately, we were able to fast-track work by a few quarters—getting a lot accomplished along the way. We doubled the rate of quiz completion, propelled customer adoption across touchpoints, unlocked new customer segments, improved retention, and evolved the experience using new customer insights.

Curious how we can help you reimagine your CX? Get in touch.

Better Together: Concentrix and Webhelp are now one company — global CX leader, with an expanded breadth of digital capabilities, high-value services, and generative AI solutions.
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