Meat & Livestock Australia
Meat & Livestock Australia

MLA’s purpose is to foster the long-term prosperity of the Australian red meat and livestock industry by investing in research and marketing activities.


Over two million journeys are taken on Victoria’s public transport system each day. An interconnected network The National Livestock Genetics Consortium has a goal of doubling the rate of genetic gain in the Australian livestock industry by 2022. To achieve this, further adoption of genetic tools is required amongst industry, with a particular focus on producer adoption. 

One of the central tools used by industry is the Sheep Genetics Search Tool. The website allows users to view Australian Sheep Breeding Value (ASBV) data. The existing tool’s performance and usability were increasingly becoming a barrier to drive increased adoption. 

By leveraging modern technologies and human-centered design principles, a new website will be a valuable addition to livestock farmers and help maximize the growth and development of the Australian sheep industry which is worth $5 billion annually.


Concentrix Catalyst’s Experience Definition methodology puts users at the center of the process to understand how technology can improve a particular challenge or pain point. In the case of Sheep Genetics, the focus was on improving the experience for breeders, producers, and livestock consultants, to simplify the way they view, search and interpret ASBV data. 

Throughout the process, a range of opportunities was identified and developed as concepts to test with users to validate their value to the business and end-users. The concepts were continually refined before a backlog of features was prioritized for the new tool’s initial release.


The new Search Tool provides Australia’s livestock industry with a professional, intuitive website that helps users feel more confident in understanding the benefits of ASBVs. Users have increased flexibility to customize the tool’s interface to match goals specific to their farming operations. Importantly the tool’s performance and accessibility have improved. Users now benefit from faster search results and optimized tablet and mobile views to access remotely in the field. 

The tool has immediately contributed to Sheep Genetics’s key objective of increasing adoption amongst industry members. Within the first month of launching, the number of users grew by 10%. The continued adoption of the new Search Tool will help contribute to MLA’s overarching goal of increasing the rate of genetic gain in the Australian red meat industry.

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