Protecting online experiences and brand reputation with content moderation services at the heart of trust & safety

Content Moderation Services

Safeguarding trust and safety at scale.

A lot happens around the world in a single internet minute—millions of messages are sent, hundreds of thousands of hours of user-generated content is uploaded, and around half a million hours of streamed media is consumed. Through effective content moderation services, enabled by our thousands of experts and proprietary technologies, we protect brands and customers, proactively guarding them against the immense scale of content and policy violations that can pose risks to online trust and safety.

Setting the standard for content security

Concentrix has deep domain expertise in content moderation services that has matured over the past 15 years. Named as a leader by NelsonHall* and Everest Group**, and awarded Gold for content moderation employee wellness in the Golden Bridge Awards***, we are invested in leading the future of the industry as the #1 partner—to educate, innovate, and set the standards for securing content trust and safety.

*Concentrix was identified as a Leader in NelsonHall’s NEAT vendor evaluation for Social Media CX Services 2021 Content Moderation, Trust and Safety Capability | **Everest Group has named Concentrix as a Leader in Content Moderation in its report “Trust and Safety- Content Moderation Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2021” | ***Concentrix Moderation has been awarded a Gold for Outstanding Achievement in Customer Service and Support for reshaping the future of content moderation by innovating the mental health challenge of Big Tech.

“The ease of creating online networks brings a significant challenge to defend against misinformation and bad information. The effective safeguarding of the online communication space, from global social platforms to individual brand communities, demands a mature mix of automated and manual moderation.

Concentrix’s moderation practice meets these requirements with substantial experience, scale of multilingual delivery, function-specific services, and investments in moderator wellbeing and resilience training.”

Ivan Kotzev, Lead Analyst CX Services, NelsonHall

Concentrix | Nelson Hall NEAT Leader 2021

Content Trust & Safety by Concentrix

We create a safe space for your web and social media visitors, protecting your brand. Our moderation practice blends the right balance of AI, automation, and human intervention to monitor your digital business 24/7, keeping it safe for customers all over the world.

Protected Experiences


Accomplished in leading the way for policy management and monitoring, Concentrix will validate the accuracy and safety of everything, from product reviews and customer feedback, to multimedia user-generated content and virtual creative environments. Our experts will help shape your strategy for content moderation services, so you can react quickly and consistently to inappropriate, harmful, or fraudulent content, to build trust and safeguard experiences.

Uncompromised Wellness


Concentrix’ Content Trust & Safety practice is uniquely designed with moderator wellness at the core of everything we do, providing a safe and secure environment for our moderators to work in that’s tailored to the content they need to review. Our globally distributed team of over 20 clinical professionals has over 160 years of combined experience in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, counselling, and mental health care, and they are supported by physical and mental wellbeing practices that are recognized by the industry for research-led innovation.

Globalized Operations


Our content moderation services, spanning 15 countries, is well-versed in country and regional specific internet laws, government regulation, and wellbeing legislation. This culturally and linguistically diverse team will enable you to adjust to the localized nuances of online standards and procedures to deliver better and safer online experiences throughout the world.

Focused Innovation


Concentrix’ investments in research and development infuse technology with wellness to shape a robust industry standard that adjusts swiftly to emerging moderation needs. By achieving ever-greater levels of moderation accuracy, our proprietary tools are evolving the role of AI and human moderation and creating powerful insights to prioritize moderator wellness.


Annual Social and Content Moderation Reviews


Years of experience

Concentrix Content Moderation | Golden Bridge Awards Best of 2020

Outstanding Achievement for Innovation in Wellness for Customer Service and Support

Featured Insights


Let’s Connect

Better Together: Concentrix and Webhelp are now one company — global CX leader, with an expanded breadth of digital capabilities, high-value services, and generative AI solutions.
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