Concentrix HR Software, Comprehend, Chosen as Enterprise Product of the Year

Enterprise Product of the Year

Best in Biz Awards recognize Concentrix for maximizing the impact of wellness across business

Best in Biz Awards North America has recognized Concentrix project Comprehend as Enterprise Product of the Year. Comprehend is the neurotech research project that provides a deeper understanding of the employee experience with a focus on wellness intervention, identifying key moments that lead to highs and lows in the everyday working experience.

Comprehend offers an objective measurement for wellness that is traditionally based on subjective data by aligning key data points of psychological safety alongside lived, everyday experience of a staff member. From analyzing data via a wearable device, necessary staff interventions are to optimize or improve an individual’s working experience. The measurement of outputs pre and post intervention allows leadership teams to:

  • Have visibility on the high and low points of each individual’s shifts, which builds greater transparency on the lived experience of moderation work.
  • Understand which types of interventions work best for individuals in different roles
  • Understand how they can best support their teams each day

With Comprehend we could capture the impact of leadership attributes on staff wellbeing, behavioral and psychological needs of different age groups also we could bring recommendations on shift optimization for our staff.

Our award-winning differentiators:

  • Helps to identify which wellness intervention sessions were optimal for individuals in different positions
  • Helps with assessing which day of week and hours that wellness interventions need to occur for individuals due to a drop in engagement
  • Demonstrates the importance of empathy at a leadership level, leaders who showed more empathy increased psychological safety across their team

By refining our understanding of team experience and by optimizing wellness interventions, we hope to maximize the impact of wellness across our business.

Better Together: Concentrix and Webhelp are now one company — global CX leader, with an expanded breadth of digital capabilities, high-value services, and generative AI solutions.
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