Concentrix Recognized For Top CEO For Women, Diversity And Career Growth Options

Concentrix Recognized For Top CEO For Women, Diversity And Career Growth Options

Comparably recognizes Chris Caldwell and Concentrix in Q2

Once again, we are celebrating our staff placing us at the top among tens of thousands of other large companies. Announced by Comparably, CEO Chris Caldwell has been named as Top CEO For Diversity (3rd year in a row) and a Top CEO For Women (2nd year in a row). Additionally, Concentrix was named as a Top Company For Career Growth (1st year winner, inaugural award.) These honors position Concentrix among large brands such as Microsoft and Zoom.

Being named in these categories is a direct result of global staff feedback, which highlights Concentrix’ status as a customer experience (CX) services and technologies employer of choice. Nominations and rankings for Comparably’s awards are judged based on anonymous ratings provided by current employees and reflect how our staff feel about our people-first culture; dedication to creating a dynamic, inclusive workplace for all; and the quality of careers we help staff grow.

Comparably has also recognized Concentrix in recent years for its staff offerings and benefits in categories including Best Companies For Happiness, Best Companies For Women and several department awards, including the top spot for Best HR Departments in 2021.

Better Together: Concentrix and Webhelp are now one company — global CX leader, with an expanded breadth of digital capabilities, high-value services, and generative AI solutions.
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